About the course

English the fun way

For beginner junior high school and high school students: Leave your textbooks at home. We use action English to develop and build your basic skills with role playing, sports, puzzles and games. Develop your vocabulary, speaking and listening English skills and knowledge step by step, the fun way!

Experience what schools are like in the US.It's not just communicate-in-English style, it's do-as in American schools. Play games, do role play and be creative. Make friends the American way.

Course taught in: 10 lessons

Price: 34,000 JPY

Days taught: Saturday, 13:00

Language: Course taught in English/Japanese

Class List

Week 1Self-intro: Be able to talk about myself as well as ask questions to find out more about your friends.
Week 2 Game Day: Play games to grow friendship.Find similarity in US games and Japanese games. i.e. Pin The Tail On the Donkey and Fukuwarai.
Week 3 Role Play 1: I'm hungry. Let's order at a Fast Food. Fried Potato and French Fries are not the same.
Week 4Crafts Day 1: Be my Valentine. What is Valentine's Day? How do we celebrate it in the classroom?
Week 5Word Builder: Crossword puzzle and word search are fun to do as well as educational. Learn new words.
Week 6 Listening Practice: Follow instructions. Do you understand what is being said?
Week 7Craft Day 2: Easter Bunny. What's all the fuss about Easter? Find out about the happenings of Easter.
Week 8Traveling 1: Talk about places we've visited. Where do you recommend?
Week 9Traveling 2: Let's go abroad. What do we need to have? Make your own Passport.
Week 10Role Model 2: Let's take a plane and go to a totally different country. Role play at Immigration.

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Course Instructor

June Imajo

June Imajo grew up in Los Angeles and graduated from U.C.L.A. She has taught students of all ages in the U.S. and in Japan. Since coming to Japan, she has been teaching in private and public Junior and Senior High Schools. She has also implemented speech contests and English clubs at her schools.