About the course

Japanese Tea Ceremony Learning about a Japanese Art: in ENGLISH!

Level: This class is intended for Japanese and non-Japanese. Those with no tea ceremony experience or advanced experience are welcome. It is NOT necessary to sit on one's knees (正座). The instructor will use an intermediate level of English and, if necessary, some Japanese.

Course Summary: Are you interested in knowing more about the Japanese tea ceremony, in English? If so, please come enjoy this class casual Saturday class on tea ceremony. The instructor will provide a very general introduction of Chanoyu (茶の湯). The lecture will cover a little bit about history, architecture, tea gardens, sweets, pottery, and more. And, of course, we will enjoy some sweets and a bowl of tea! This is a light-hearted opportunity to learn about a world-class Japanese art—in English!

Course taught in: 3 hours

Price: 10,200 JPY

Days taught: March 2, 13:00

Language: English/Japanese

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Course Instructor

Ruth Sōshin Lionberger